Selasa, 29 November 2016

A letter to your younger self and your 10-years-later self

Hi ... how are you doing to me? Not feel now when I'm 18 years old. Letter to myself younger, thanks to the past that has always been there when the ups and downs in the loneliness and delight. With a year to year and day by day I know a good thing and a bad thing and I want to thank the past has been an experience for life. For my younger self, never be afraid to try something new that has never been done by people close to you. Be brave, in taking decisions. Letter to me 10 years later.Letter to me 10 years later.
It seemed interesting to imagine what I wanted to convey to me in the future. Until now, I am still confused about what to say to myself for the next 10 years. So, let it flow and hope for I do not regret any decision that will be taken. However, my expectations for 10 tahunyang will come, I can achieve my goals and I want to be able to continue their education S2. As well as I want happiness for two parents and got a happy life later. One message for me, no matter how small your success, give thanks because it has gone through great struggle and journey steep and never menyerah.jadilah strong man, me!
I must mengapai all my old dream that we had kemau accompanied impikan.selagi effort mengapai surely we can all dream.

Kamis, 24 November 2016

It"s your last meal on earth -what do you choouse?

. The food was the last on earth, I chose rice because rice menggandung fiber carbohydrates contained in rice nasi.karena mengadung many carbohydrates useful for
bone, an energy source, rich in vitamins, prevent cancer, and weight control and other

1. Energy Sources
Rice is the staple food type that is essential for the human body, no wonder the world's people staple food is rice. The content of carbohydrates and calories in rice is a source of energy that is not replaceable. He is a source of considerable energy to the body.
2. Supporting human growth from infancy to old
As a staple food, rice is the main source to support human growth. Ranging from infants to the elderly supported by the growth of rice. Substances and minerals in rice, making it is the best source to help the growth of human and become a staple food until old age.
3. Increase the good mood
Serotonin is a substance that causes feelings of pleasure in the brain, the carbohydrate content can mendongkraknya. This is also shown in the study, someone who diet every day with consumption of 1/2 cup of rice or a piece of bread, often experience depression and anxiety.
4. Prevent Cancer
brown rice contains a lot of insoluble fiber which will reduce the risk of cancer cells occur in the body. Much research has trust in it
5. Nasi non cholesterol
Rice contains no fat or sodium and dangerous at all. therefore, certainly rice is also good to be included in a balanced diet.
6. Rich in vitamins
The rice contains many vitamins and minerals, for example niacin, vitamin D, calcium, fiber, iron, thiamine, and riboflavin.
7. Treat dysentery
benefits of rice in the husk, is considered as an effective remedy for treating dysentery. Rice husk aged three months to contain diuretic properties. Even the Chinese people believe that rice is thought to increase appetite, cure stomach pain and digestive problems.
8. Good For Bones
Rice is a "vitamin" for the bone to make bone growth formed. Calcium content of the rice is very important to build bones to be strong and prevent osteoporosis in old age.
9. Good for teeth
Dentition also in the crutch by rice, as it looks like the bones, the calcium content in rice was instrumental to form strong teeth.
Function Based carbohydrate content
1. Control Weight
2. Prevent diseases
3. Good for heart health
4. good for digestive function
5. Prevent damage to muscle tissue
6. Managing blood sugar levels
7. Overcoming anxiety
In fact, rice low fat and cholesterol free. Rice is a good source of energy as carbohydrates. Carbohydrates help the body to function and good for growth.
In fact the rice is a food that does not contain salt. Rice is very safe to be consumed by people who diet salt levels in the body.

group taks

Group name:
Dominic Arjun C1051161020
Fortunatus Banyu C1051161030
Septyandi Yusas C1051161070
Suryati `C1051161090
Darmawan C1051161072

Suryati                                         : good morning darmawan.
Darmawan                                 : morning also yati
Suryati                                         : what's wrong with Banyu, you look tired?
Banyu                                           : lately I feel dizzy continue and dispirited.
Darmawan                                 : if you're there a problem?
Yusas and arjun                       : hey you three, what are you talking about, about me huh?
Suryati                                         : hooo ... kepedean, we all do not talk about you
Yusas                                            : eh anyway you why banyu?
Darmawan                                 : yes we are talking banyu now ..
Banyu                                           : yusas I do not know, I just feel dizzy alone.
Darmawan                                 : do you have a problem?
Banyu                                           : I do not have a problem really.
Arjun                                            : ya own if so, if there is a problem yapi pda we just tell your         friend ...
Arjun                                            : eh anyway what sites you like or that you use to find the best information.
Yusas, Darmawan, Banyu   : if we often use the google
Arjun                                            : if you Suryati, any sites that you frequently use to search for information?
Suryati                                         : if I have frequent use of chrome sites.
Arjun                                            : What reasons did you choose the google site?
Yusas                                            : if for me google it easily and quickly.
Darmawan                                 : if I am, why I chose google? Because google is easy to use
Banyu                                           : I think the google it was fun ...
Arjun                                            : what is the reason that Suryati choose google?
Suryati                                         : because the network is fast and does not slow.
Arjun                                                                            : The special question for banyu. What is the difference online information with information from encyclopedias?
Banyu                                           : online information is information that is accessible to the Internet. Meanwhile, information encyclopedia is a book that collects information or a description of various things.

Arjun                                            : oke friends thanks for the answer.

Kamis, 17 November 2016

karaoke song that you like

The song that I like is a song whose title dayak midwife brought by Jacky putirulan.mengapa I menyuai this song because this song mengisah about a man who is loved by a woman but the man does not receive the love of a woman because men it does not mncintainya.tapi finally male regret rejecting the love of a woman, when the woman already has hidupnya.laki male companion who did not receive the love of the woman regret because had rejected his love.

 Only this song I often heard as an entertainer in my life and experience that could not be me Out of the goodness of her and received him with sincerity love but men do not receive the love of a woman who truly loved her and her late Courant woman with another man who truly loved him.
This song gives a message and impression on kusendiri really I realized that if anyone loves us accept it because dian better loved than loved.
When the day I listen to this song I remember about the experience I had.
Because I reject the love of someone who was once that he really loves me as I am but I refused cintannya and in the end I was sorry to have refused the love of a woman who accepts me as I am.

Rabu, 16 November 2016

RHETT BUTLER,terbit tahun 2012

About 8,500 species of plants grow in coastal areas, swamps, plains, mountains and upland ecosystems in the Leuser Ecosystem (KEL), where no less than 4000 species TNGL.kawasan growing region is representative of lowland dipterocarp forests of broad left in indonesia.hutan dipterocarp overgrown high perpohonan which is home to a variety of plants for soil fertility and different heights.
                At least 350 species of birds live in TNGL.selain that there are about 194 species of reptiles and amphibians and 129 of the 205 species of mammals living in the Sumatran TNGL.
Forest is the last place for a number of endangered mammals, supporting a population of Sumatran orang-utan (Pongo Abelii) remaining, the Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae), Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus sumatrenus) and the Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorbinus sumatrensis). This forest area is the only place on earth where the highly endangered species coexist.
            Besides orangutans, there are many species of primates that are often seen in the Gunung Leuser National Park sepertilar gibbon (Hylobates lar), gibbon (Symphalangus syndactylus), kedih (Presbytis thomasi), long-tailed monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) and monkeys (M. nemestrina). Someone will be lucky to catch a glimpse at night a lemur (Nycticebus coucang) are hard to find and is an endangered primate species and not yet widely known and depend on the survival of the national park to the defense of his life. Mammals other awesome that bear (Helarctos malayanus) that roams the woods looking for figs and honey, and perhaps birds most mudahditandai, hornbill (Family bucerotidae that fly between the tree canopy and can sometimes be seen were eating fruits together with orangutan other wildlife.

8.diferent=yang berbeda
11.endangered=terancam punah
18.wildlife=satwa liar
20.glimpse= sekilas

Selasa, 08 November 2016

Favorite place frequently visit

Favorite place frequently visit
The place I visit often is the heart of the hill kudus.dibukit Sacred Heart is a spiritual tour that led Bosko pastor who built a spiritual attraction lies in the village Darit, district: menyuke, district: landak.tempatnya so beautiful and enchanting whom were bun disitu.saat been there we visited the Mount sacred heart is located right on the hill, over the hill we will be spoiled the ambience of pristine nature and its place was clean and on the top of the hill we will also melihan Darit village as the center of the government district all menyuke visible from the top of the hill.
Every afternoon a lot of people who visit the attraction hill sacred heart. They come in groups just to enjoy permandangan, take pictures, and joking laughter with friends .what even more entertaining for anyone who visited the sacred heart disitu.di hill there are also facilities volley ball court, musical instruments tradisional.every Sunday we misa knoll. Prayer sacred heart in place of pristine nature and wonderful add seriousness in worship is completed worship me and my friends took pictures and enjoying the air of pristine nature that exist at our place.
Currently the hill sacred heart already repaired many attractions spiritual place that our many visits by many people from different regions are expected hopefully what we all achieved ameen.