Kamis, 24 November 2016

It"s your last meal on earth -what do you choouse?

. The food was the last on earth, I chose rice because rice menggandung fiber carbohydrates contained in rice nasi.karena mengadung many carbohydrates useful for
bone, an energy source, rich in vitamins, prevent cancer, and weight control and other

1. Energy Sources
Rice is the staple food type that is essential for the human body, no wonder the world's people staple food is rice. The content of carbohydrates and calories in rice is a source of energy that is not replaceable. He is a source of considerable energy to the body.
2. Supporting human growth from infancy to old
As a staple food, rice is the main source to support human growth. Ranging from infants to the elderly supported by the growth of rice. Substances and minerals in rice, making it is the best source to help the growth of human and become a staple food until old age.
3. Increase the good mood
Serotonin is a substance that causes feelings of pleasure in the brain, the carbohydrate content can mendongkraknya. This is also shown in the study, someone who diet every day with consumption of 1/2 cup of rice or a piece of bread, often experience depression and anxiety.
4. Prevent Cancer
brown rice contains a lot of insoluble fiber which will reduce the risk of cancer cells occur in the body. Much research has trust in it
5. Nasi non cholesterol
Rice contains no fat or sodium and dangerous at all. therefore, certainly rice is also good to be included in a balanced diet.
6. Rich in vitamins
The rice contains many vitamins and minerals, for example niacin, vitamin D, calcium, fiber, iron, thiamine, and riboflavin.
7. Treat dysentery
benefits of rice in the husk, is considered as an effective remedy for treating dysentery. Rice husk aged three months to contain diuretic properties. Even the Chinese people believe that rice is thought to increase appetite, cure stomach pain and digestive problems.
8. Good For Bones
Rice is a "vitamin" for the bone to make bone growth formed. Calcium content of the rice is very important to build bones to be strong and prevent osteoporosis in old age.
9. Good for teeth
Dentition also in the crutch by rice, as it looks like the bones, the calcium content in rice was instrumental to form strong teeth.
Function Based carbohydrate content
1. Control Weight
2. Prevent diseases
3. Good for heart health
4. good for digestive function
5. Prevent damage to muscle tissue
6. Managing blood sugar levels
7. Overcoming anxiety
In fact, rice low fat and cholesterol free. Rice is a good source of energy as carbohydrates. Carbohydrates help the body to function and good for growth.
In fact the rice is a food that does not contain salt. Rice is very safe to be consumed by people who diet salt levels in the body.

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